- Sku: CL:SO 1 MP3
- Vendor: keys for kids
Volume 1
1. The B-I-B-L-E
2. For God So Loved the World
3. I Am the Door
4. Behold. . .I Stand at the Door
5. One Door and Only One
6. I Am the Resurrection
7. I Am the Way
8. For There Is One God
9. Ye Must Be Born Again
10. Do You Know You've Been Born Again
11. Verily, Verily
12. Neither Is There Salvation in Any Other
13. Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet
14. The Assurance March
15. I Will Call Upon the Lord
16. I'm on the Rock
17. I Will Sing of the Mercies
18. Books of the Old Testament
19. How Did Moses Cross the Red Sea
20. He Owns the Cattle
21. Now Are We the Sons of God
22. His Banner Over Me Is Love
23. Come, Bless the Lord
24. Books of the New Testament
25. Love the Lord Your God
26. Be Still and Know
27. My Sheep Hear My Voice
28. The Lord's My Shepherd
29. Thou Art Worthy
30. Worthy Is the Lamb
31. Therefore, the Redeemed
32. Teach Me, Lord, to Wait
33. Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
34. The Twelve Disciples
35. I Am Crucified with Christ
36. Children, Obey Your Parents
37. This Little Light of Mine
38. The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
39. The Fruit of the Spirit
40. The Trees of the Field
41. Thy Word Have I Hid in My Heart
42. I Can Do All Things
43. If We Confess Our Sin
44. Trust in the Lord
45. Casting Ev'ry Care on Him
46. Fishers of Men
47. This Is the Day
48. Rejoice in the Lord Always
